Sunday, November 17, 2013

Algorithm's For Multiplication and Division Of Whole Numbers

Multiplication of Algorithms
Multiplication of Algorithm is a method to multiply two numbers.
Partial-Product Algorithm: is where each factor is thought of as a sum of ones, tens, hundreds and so on.  Then each part of one factor is multiplied by each part of the other factor, and all of the resulting parital products are added together.   An example of this is 

Modified Standard Algorithm: is where you multiply ones and tens separately and add everything.
An example of this is 
Division of Algorithms
If a and b are whole numbers with b not being zero, then there are unique integers q and r such that a=bq+r. q is the quotient and r is the remainder of a divided by b.
Long-Division Algorithm: is where you divide the dividend by the divisor.  Dividend 425 divided by divisor 25.  An example of this is 
Short-Division Algorithm: is like long-division but shorter and the divisor is less than 10.  Dividend 500 divided by divisor 5.   An example of this is 

Greatest Common Divisors and Least Common Multiples

Greatest Common Divisors
Let m and n be natural numbers.  The greatest natural number d that divides both m and n is called their greatest common divisor and we write d=GCD (m,n),
The Greatest Common Divisor by Intersection of Sets: in this method you list all of the factors of each number, then list the common factors and choose the largest one.  An example of this is, find GCF(36,54).
Let F36 denote the set of factors of 36. Then F36 = {1,2,3,4,6,9,12,18,36}
Similarly, Thus,
F54 = {1,2,3,6,9,18,27,54}
F36 ∩F54 ={1,2,3,6,9,18}.   So, GCF(36,54) = 18
The Greatest Common Divisor from Prime Factorization: This method you list prime factors, then multiply the common prime factors (including zero).  An example of this is, find GCF(36,54) using prime factorization.
Writing the prime factorization of both 36 and 54 we find 36 = 2×2×3×3
54 = 2×3×3×3
Notice that the prime factorizations of 36 and 54 both have one 2 and two 3s in common. So, we simply multiply these common prime factors to find thegreatestcommonfactor. That is,GCF(36,54)=2×3×3=18
Greatest Common Divisor from the Euclidean Algorithm: This method a and b is any two natural numbers and a is greater than or equal to b.  You divide a by b, we obtain a quotient q and a remainder r. a=bq+r, 0 is less than or equal too r, r is less than b.  Then, GCD(a,b)=GCD(b,r).   An example of this is, find the greatest common factor of 36 and 54 using the division algorithm.
54 = 36×1+18 GCF(54,36)=GCF(36,18) 36 = 18×2+0 GCF(36,18)=GCF(18,0)
Thus, GCF(54,36) = GCF(36,18) = GCF(18,0)=18. 
Hence, to find the GCF of two numbers, apply the above theorem repeatedly until a remainder of zero is obtained. The final divisor that leads to the zero remainder is the GCF of the two numbers.
Least Common Multiples
The smallest (non-zero) number that is a multiple of two or more numbers.
Least Common Multiples by Intersection of Sets: This method you list the non-zero multiples of each number until a first common multiple appears.  This number is the LCM(a,b).  An example of this is, find LCM(12,8).


Let M8 and M12 denote the set of nonzero multiples of 8 and 12 respectively. Then

and Thus, LCM(8,12) = 24.

M8 = {8,16,24,···} M12 = {12,24,···}
Least Common Multiples from Prime Factorization: This method to find the LCM you have to find the prime factorization.  You would take the primes that are factors of either of the given numbers.  The product of these primes is the LCM and each of these are raised to the greatest power.  An example of this is, find LCM(2520,10530).
Writing the prime factorization of each number we find 2520 = 23·32·5·7
10530 = 2·34 ·5·13 So LC M (2520, 10530) = 23 · 34 · 5 · 7 · 13 = 294, 840.
Find LCM(731,952).
Least Common Multiples by Using the Euclidean Algorithm: This method the LCM is found by dividing the product a*b by the GCF.  An example of this is, find LCM(731,952).Solution.

Using the Euclidean algorithm one will find that GCF(731,952) = 17. Thus, by the above theorem
LCM(731,952)= 731×952 =40,936. 17

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Algorithms for adding and subtracting whole numbers

Adding Algorithms
Algorithm of adding is a step by step solution to a problem by combining the two groups together, so you would combine the place values one at a time. 

Short Standard Algorithm: this is where you add from right to left, one place-value at a time, regrouping when necessary.  An example of this is 

additional examples if you go to this web address:
Partial-Sums Algorithm: is where you work one place value at a time and adding all the sums to get the total.  You can also do this algorithm mentally.
An example of this is 
Subtracting Algorithms
Algorithm of subtracting is a step-by-step process in taking away a subset of objects from a given set.

Right to left(Standard) Algorithm: is where you subtract from right to left one place-value at a time.
An example is 
Left-to-right Subtraction Algorithm: is where you have a number life 356 and the sum is 300+50+6. Then you subtract the sum one at time, starting at the hundreds.
An example is