Math Is Hard To Understand and Scary
Do you cringe when you have to do math work or help someone with math work? Do you try to avoid math by giving any excuse you can so you don't have to even look at it? Do you want to find a cave to hide in when someone talks to you about math or wants help? You don't need to panic and hide anymore there is techniques to calm you down and relax when math work needs to be done.
For those that hate math and try to avoid it its time to open your mind to new techniques that will benefit your style of learning and enjoy doing math. I'm going to with some visual ways of learning math for those that are visual learners.
Click on equations.
Click on equations.
This video shows how the teacher explains the problem but also uses small blocks to help visually see the problem that needs to be worked out. This helps when someone is struggling with certain mathematical problems to eventually help them understand these problems without the blocks. These visual help aids help for the future because when you don't use these objects to help with math problems anymore you can visually see it in your mind. I also loved her idea of using things that they are interested in and plugging them into a problem. That really does keep a kids focus on the problem at hand.
Small groups are so helpful when doing math because two heads can always be better than one. Everyone has different techniques and ways of learning math. There are those that excel in math and help those that are having more of a tough time because their techniques may be beneficial for that person struggling. The teacher may have a different technique to a problem so having others to talk to can be very helpful in learning math and learning new techniques you may like. Always keep an open mind when learning math and be ready to try new techniques to help you understand math without needing to be afraid of it and avoid it.